Applying for a membership or a loan? Let's make sure you have everything you need to kickstart the process. This page is designed to prepare you for all documentation that may be requested of you for membership and loan applications. Explore the checklists below for more details!
Proof of Identity (An unexpired, government-issued photo ID)
Your Social Security Number
Mother's Maiden Name
Proof of Current Address (If current driver's license or government-issued ID does not match current address):
- Utility or telephone bill
- Vehicle or voter registration
- Lease agreement
A minimum deposit of $5 into a regular savings account
Note: Additional documentation may be requested.
Note: Other documentation subject to CU review.
Proof of Identity (An unexpired, government-issued photo ID)
Annual or monthly income information
Employment information
Mortgage or rent payment information
Have a vehicle in mind? Providing the year, make, model, style, mileage, and Vehicle Identification Number(VIN) may help speed up the application process.
If you are not currently a member, please also have the following items:
Your Social Security Number
Mother's Maiden Name
Proof of Current Address (If current driver's license or government-issued ID does not match current address):
- Utility or telephone bill
- Vehicle or voter registration
- Lease agreement
A minimum deposit of $5 into a regular savings account
Note: Additional documentation may be requested. Other documentation subject to CU review.
Proof of Identity (An unexpired, government-issued photo ID)
Annual or monthly income information
Employment information
Mortgage or rent payment information
Have a vehicle in mind? Providing the year, make, model, style, mileage, and Vehicle Identification Number(VIN) may help speed up the application process.
If you are not currently a member, please also have the following items:
Your Social Security Number
Mother's Maiden Name
Proof of Current Address (If current driver's license or government-issued ID does not match current address):
- Utility or telephone bill
- Vehicle or voter registration
- Lease agreement
A minimum deposit of $5 into a regular savings account
Note: Additional documentation may be requested. Other documentation subject to CU review.
Proof of Identity (An unexpired, government-issued photo ID)
Annual or monthly income information
Employment information
Mortgage or rent payment information
Have a vehicle in mind? Providing the year, make, model, style, mileage, and Vehicle Identification Number(VIN) may help speed up the application process.
If you are not currently a member, please also have the following items:
Your Social Security Number
Mother's Maiden Name
Proof of Current Address (If current driver's license or government-issued ID does not match current address):
- Utility or telephone bill
- Vehicle or voter registration
- Lease agreement
A minimum deposit of $5 into a regular savings account
Note: Additional documentation may be requested. Other documentation subject to CU review.
Please note: Not all items are due during the initial application
Copy of Driver's License for each borrower
Most recent pay stub showing year-to-date earnings (at least 30 days)
W-2's for previous two years
All pages of most recent Asset Statements covering two full months
All pages of most recent 401k/retirement statement
Copy of last mortgage statement (for refinance transactions)
Purchase Agreement signed by all parties (for purchase transactions)
Homeowner's Insurance Agent Contact Information or Policy Declaration Page
If Applicable:
Social Security income award letter
Most recent pension/retirement monthly statement
Disability income award letter
Completed gift letter signed and dated by gift source and all borrowers
Divorce Decree - all pages
If self-employed or commissioned, most current year-to-date Profit & Loss statement
Proof of child support income or payment
Bankruptcy papers (all pages) if bankruptcy discharged in the past 4 years
If you are not currently a member, please also have the following items:
Your Social Security Number
Mother's Maiden Name
Proof of Current Address (If current driver's license or government-issued ID does not match current address):
- Utility or telephone bill
- Vehicle or voter registration
- Lease agreement
A minimum deposit of $5 into a regular savings account
Note: Additional documentation may be requested. Other documentation subject to CU review.
Proof of Identity (An unexpired, government-issued photo ID)
Annual or monthly income information
Employment information
Mortgage or rent payment information
Have a vehicle in mind? Providing the year, make, model, style, mileage, and Vehicle Identification Number(VIN) may help speed up the application process.
If you are not currently a member, please also have the following items:
Your Social Security Number
Mother's Maiden Name
Proof of Current Address (If current driver's license or government-issued ID does not match current address):
- Utility or telephone bill
- Vehicle or voter registration
- Lease agreement
A minimum deposit of $5 into a regular savings account
Note: Additional documentation may be requested. Other documentation subject to CU review.